Category: Uncategorized

  • BikeMS 2022

    Help me raise $ for the National MS Society! This year the 2 day even it back, and I’m planning to do the 103/83 mile combo, so throw some cash in would ya? Trying to beat last year’s $529 total.

  • Bike MS Colorado 2021

    For the 4th consecutive year (wow, really?!), I’ll be riding to raise money for MS research. If you’re able, please support me by donating at This year will no doubt be weird as they adapt for social distancing, but it will be a welcome teaser for a return to normalcy 🙂

  • Custom Storage Layouts w/ MAAS preseeds.

    I’ve been working on a project to dynamically create customize server storage layouts using MAAS preseeds. Thanks to some good advice from a couple colleagues, I have something that works pretty well for me. See my write-up on the MAAS discourse.

  • Passing lots of PCIe devices to a KVM guest

    I was experimenting to see if there are any practical limits to passing a large number (>64) of PCIe devices to a QEMU/KVM guest in Ubuntu 18.04. My understanding is that I should be able to approach 256 (minus slots used by emulated devices), but I wanted to see if there were any practical limitations.…

  • New blog

    I made a new blog. This is it. That’s a picture of my old sofa I took for Craig’s list.